A valued partnership with schools
Our communications are only delivered in educational sites that have registered to join our network. Head teachers register their schools in order to receive free resources, brighten the school environment and raise funds. Schools retain control and are able to opt out of any campaign.

Nurseries: Parents of 0-5 years
Working with nurseries, pre-schools and children’s centres enables us to directly reach parents and carers.
Dwell time at our nurseries is around 40 minutes per week and mums tell us it is the ideal place to receive information, coupons and samples for them and their families.
Primary schools: Children 5-11 years
Through our partnership with primary schools we can reach 4-11 year old children as well as their teachers and parents.
Resources are used in class, during reward time, wet weather play, breakfast and after school clubs and as a take home.
Over 70% of parents either see or are told about our communications.

Secondary Schools: Teens 11-16 years
Through our network of secondary schools we allow you to reach teens aged 11-16 years, their teachers and parents.
This age group values communications that prompt discussion with their peers and help them with their decisions around lifestyle and careers as they take steps towards adulthood.
Colleges and Sixth Forms: Youths 16-19+ years
Our network of sixth forms and colleges reach youths aged 16-19 years.
At this age young people have a lot of freedom and independence and are keen to be the first to find out about new products and services, actively seeking out information for discussion with their peers.

Contact us
Please call us on 020 7323 3223 to discuss your needs, or click the button to send us a message.